How to choose a suitable web designer for your website?

How to choose a suitable web designer for your website?

Are you planning to start your online business? Or perhaps you are already online but are planning to reach a wider audience and expand your horizons. For both these scenarios, one of the essential things you will need is an impeccably designed website.

Choosing the right person to design your website can make all the difference. However, the internet is swarming with web designers of all kinds and budgets. A simple google search will lead you to more options than you can handle.

Then how will you decide which website design agency in Manchester is the perfect fit for you? This article discusses a few tips that can help you find and hire the best website designer. 

Let’s dive right into them. 

Decide what you want

First and foremost before you start looking for a person for website design in Manchester, you should lay out the requirements and your expectations from the website. List down all the things your business needs at the current stage and do a little market research to see what’s clicking with the consumers, what’s working for your competitors and what’s not. 

Make a budget

Making a budget before approaching a website design agency in Manchester is an excellent way to avoid overspending. Knowing what you can afford is a good way to start. It is common for web designers and developers to work on an hourly basis. Taking into account your requirements, they calculate how much time it will take them or their team to complete the job and multiply that figure by a daily or hourly rate. Therefore, if one designer offers a much lower quote than the others, ask what their daily or hourly rate is. You can be certain that they will spend less time researching what is needed to make the website a success and so rather than cutting costs here, find a website design agency in Manchester who can finish the job in your budget delivering much higher standards. 

Closely inspect their portfolio and results

Most professional website designers have a web design Manchester portfolio compiling all their previous works for their clients to see and get an idea if they fit the requirements. You can look for ideas and inspirations from their website and browse the clients they’ve worked with. You can also visit one of their client’s websites and see how it feels as a user. See if they use variety in their designs or if every design looks copy-pasted to you. Watch for concrete results as well. A web design agency in Manchester with a solid track record might be able to provide statistics about how their designs have helped clients, like an increase in visitor numbers, a reduction in bounce rates, an improvement in load times, a higher sales volume, and even a return on investment.

Don’t forget the reviews and testimonials

Most established designers will have reviews and testimonials from their previous clients on their website as well as third-party and independent websites which provide real reviews. If provided on their website, check out their social media profiles for star ratings and legitimate comments by their connections. Because social media is an open forum, it gives an excellent insight into how a business is perceived.  

Ask for referrals

Your website is going to be a vital part of your business so don’t be afraid to ask for referrals and advice from your friends and family. It’s also good to work with someone with a proven track record. You can also browse the internet for websites that you like the look of and if you want to get in touch with the designer, most probably he’ll be credited in the footer of the site and you can easily find them via the link mentioned.  

How much does it cost to hire a website designer in the UK?

The rate you will be paying will greatly depend upon the web designer’s experience level and expertise. Generally, the more senior and experienced the web designer is, the more he is going to charge. In website designing, the more you pay the more you get followed. 

To narrow it down, freelance web designers normally charge £10 and £100 per hour or between £70 and £750+ per day, £750+ being the services of the top-level web designers. To get the best deal for your business, you should ensure that you’re paying a fair price, a price for what you actually need. You can contact the web designers and ask them to send quotes for the work based on your requirements. 

The Bottom Line

These tips will surely come in handy if and when you need a website designer for your business. But we recommend having a clear understanding of your business goals first to find someone suitable to align with your goals and expectations. Use these tips to get the perfect website design in Manchester.